Positive Pathways


It’s okay to admit when we’re not feeling at our best, 

there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. 

So, let’s turn a negative into a positive. 

In this course, Positive Pathways, you’re going to learn four key concepts:

Introduction to Wellbeing – What this means and how it affects our personal and professional life. 

The Five Ways to Achieve Personal Wellbeing – How a variety of actions can be used daily to keep your mental health positive.

Problem Thinking Types – The different ways we all think which can negatively impact our situation and how we can overcome this with positive thoughts. 

Wellbeing in the Workplace – How work impacts our mental wellbeing and the benefits of wellness programs. Why the difference between challenge and stress is crucial to understand and how we keep on top of it. 

After completing this six-hour workshop, you’ll be awarded The Training Hub certificate in Positive Pathways.

If you need a little help finding your path, let this workshop give you the tools you need to add to your toolkit.

Your journey begins here, let The Training Hub take you forward.

SKU: 10000-2

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